SARASOTA COUNTY (WFLA) — As we inch closer to some of the rainiest months of the year, residents can expect to see more mosquitoes out and about.

Sarasota County is preparing to respond as needed, but they’re asking the public to prepare as well.

You may recall last year, Sarasota County saw seven malaria cases. It was the first time in 20 years that the state of Florida had any confirmed cases of the mosquito-borne illness.

Crews treated more than 580,000 acres and more than 2,400 miles of ditches.

“With all of those efforts, we still cannot reduce the risk of mosquito-borne viruses and parasites to the public completely. That is our primary focus. We do everything we can, but we still need the public’s help and ways that everyone can help us on that is making sure to get rid of all containers on your property. Also, avoid mosquito activity at dawn and dusk; that is the primary activity time for mosquitoes feeding on humans,” said Sarasota County Mosquito Management manager Wade Brennan.

Residents are also encouraged to wear insect repellent and wear loose-fitting clothing with long sleeves.

To help protect the public from mosquito-borne illnesses, the county’s mosquito management department does ongoing surveillance through sentinel chickens and pooling mosquitoes and testing them in their labs.

“We are more prepared than we were last season, and our staff is more prepared, but this was something that we are ready for. We are always battling the possibility of dengue, malaria, Zika, chikungunya, West Nile, and eastern equine encephalitis. These are things we face every single year, and we have to be prepared for it, and we need the public to be prepared for it as well,” said Brennan.

To see the county’s latest mosquito spray missions, you can visit